
Factors for Success in Marriage - Love

People fall into love as people say and as they say too marriage can is an eye opener. Marriage is an eye opener indeed so one needs to prepare fully before venturing into it.

One major factor that guarantee success in marriage is LOVE. When there is love in the hearts of the two people going into marriage there is a sure way to predict that the marriage will work. The reason is not far fetched, the Bible says LOVE covers a multitude of sins.

No matter the issues that may come up in a marriage in as much as there is love between the people they can surely overcome. Love we learn bears all things and it endures all things. Therefore if love is present in a family the assurance of overcoming difficult times will be there.

Love keeps the couple together, not allowing anyone to come between them even if there is any issue. Love is the bond that keeps couples together.

If indeed there is true and unconditional love in the family there can never be a divorce, and every misunderstanding will be resolved as soon as there is one. Love is a cord that unites a marriage. 

Without love family life can be awry, boring and the strength to forge ahead will not be there. Without love no marriage will be able to face the storms that will come later in life, for surely there will come a time when storms will arise in the marriage, but if love is abiding in the family the storm will not be noticed by outsiders and it won't shake the foundation of the marriage.

Love is an essential ingredient needed to make a marriage succeed, love will make a big difference in the family with or without money. Even when there is a valid problem in the home love will make it easy to overcome such problem. 

Love in marriage can not be overemphasized. Therefore in all ways possible never allow the flame of love to die in your home.

Real love, unconditional love, uncompromising love is only found in God. Therefore go back to Him if such love is not present in your home.


  1. I agree with you that LOVE is the essential ingredient that makes marriage work. However, the challenge many people have is difining what LOVE is!

    Too many people are confusing LUST for LOVE.

    Love is all about loving someone that is UNLOVEABLE! It is about showing affection to someone irrespective of what the person is or does! If you have ever seen a mother sorrowing over a rebellious child that is a sample of love.

    Too many people see LOVE as something that will enable that get what they WANT or NEED from another human being. That is far from the truth. LOVE is all about given sacrificially to another, not because the person deserves it, but because you LOVE the person enough to give out! Cheers.

  2. Yes, this is a true saying, Love is gravely misunderstood, even in marriages, couples strive to please themselves rather than the spouse, grabbing all they can from the relationship and that is the basis of the troubles facing many marriages today, we need to go back to the love proposed in Ephesians, that we should love just like Christ loved the church. The love that is beyond self, reward, gain or gratifications. The love is expected to be started by the husband and of course women will always follow in loving the husband. Let the Lord visit our families again!


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